Friday, September 22, 2006

Fantastic, a new vaccine has been developed to protect women against cervical cancer. The vaccine may be administered to girls as young as 9 years old before puberty.

What about men? More men die of prostate and testicular cancer than women do of cervical cancer. Again women take priority because their lives are more valuable than anyone elses, i think its safe to say that the government will never put as much money and as much time into treating male illnesses as they do with female illnesses. I just want to know what makes a womans life more important than a mans? And what makes a woman think her life is more important than a mans?

I find it absoloutly repulsive that our society places more value on a womans life becuase she is a woman. It breaks my heart to see men suffer the way they do, more men are homeless, sick, mentally ill and in poverty than women, yet we spend more time helping people who dont need help. If there is no such thing as a weaker sex, why do women need so much special treatment and attention?

Women are now more sexist and chauvanist than men have been in a long long time. I have no respect for women, because they have no respect for men. I urge any man who reads this to ask a woman if she respects men, mens bodies, mens needs and mens issues. Im willing to bet she will just laugh or promptly say "no".

Its just women this and women that, well im sick of the word. Women are ungreatful children and should be treated as such.