Saturday, August 19, 2006

In my last post i spoke about women and mens issues, how men in our society are now suffering becuase of womens selfishness and sexism. But now i want to talk about something else men might find interesting, and one of my favourite subjects - CARS!!!

Im a bloke and im proud to be a Bloke, and lets face it guys we all (or most of us) love cars dont we?. Well im a huge fan of Top Gear as it is truely a mans show, nothing about it has been feminised or ruined becuase of female interference. Its a show made by men for men and i love that!. Cars give us freedom, transport and enjoyment, and lets face it- having your own car is neccessary becuase public transport in the UK is terrible. How many times have you spent waiting in the rain for a bus that comes late? How many times have you taken the train and it breaks down so you are left to find your own way home? How many times have you been late for work becuase a service was cancelled due to the weather being a bit rough? - My answer to these questions is FAR TOO MANY TIMES!!! I hate public transport, its useless, unreliable and exspensive.

Why does the government expect us to leave our cars at home and use public transport that is over-crowded and unreliable. The fact is most of us need a car to get to work and to go to the shops and the government knows this, which is why petrol prices, road tax, insurance and cars themselves are so expensive. Im sure someone in the government sat down one day and thought to him self "what does everyone need and alot of people cant live with out?" - the answer was cars. So they decided they could tax us to the hilt becuase they knew we would never get rid of our cars. This pisses me off becuase we are an oil producing nation so there is no need for fuel to be so exspensive. There is a common misconception that the north sea oil is running out, but the truth is 65 - 70% of the oil is still there, its just getting a little more difficult to get to. But if north sea oil revenues bring in £1 billion a month i would have thought we would have enough oil to sustain our selves while international oil prices rise due to war and politics in the middle east. The truth is that the government is taking us for every extra penny they can, and we the "Great British People" just sit back and let them. Ofcourse there have been fule protests and blockades in the past which have resulted in a couple of pence being dropped from fuel tax, but in the long run what have they actually accomplished? - not much.

Take speed cameras as another example, they are said to save lives and of course they do when they are put in areas of high fatalities, but for the most part they dont do much at all, except take money off us. The number of road accidents in Britian rises and falls all the time, but generaly it hovers around the same number and always has, which begs the question - what do speed cameras actually do?

In my previous post i said i wasnt really an opinionated guy, but im learning i may have been wrong about that. In my opinion speed cameras are simply another stealth tax as they bring in £21 million a year to the government, which granted isnt alot but it is still a little extra money in their pockets and to put in the treasury. There are far too many speed cameras on our roads and people only slow down till they pass the camera and then speed off again. I think a police presence in high accindent areas would work better, especially around schools where we really do want people to slow down. But still, we should be able to go out and have a bit of fun in our cars now and again, we should be able to find an empty road somewhere and have some fun without worrying about a speed camera being round the next corner. The roads are so busy now that it quite difficult to speed on most roads, and we have so many other things to watch out for such as pedestrians, other cars and road signs that we do miss things. There is only so much the human brain can take in at one time, so if you are busy watching what another car is doing, following road signs or watching to see if the kid will run out to get his ball, how can you be expected to always notice when there is a speed camera? - the answer is you cant.

I recently had the pleasure and privilage of driving a Ferrari 355 and it was one of the greatest experiences of my life, i admit that i did speed a little on empty roads, but i was terrified of speed cameras or cops waiting for me round the next corner. It shouldnt have to be that way. People should be allowed to enjoy themselves from time to time, as long as they doe it safely on an empty road. The fact is that everyone speeds, maybe not all the time, but everyone does and has. If anyone ever said to me that they have never ever broken the speed limit, even for a few seconds, i would call them a liar. The roads in Britain are often in such bad condition that its no wonder there are so many crashes. Statisticaly motorways where you drive the fastest are the safest roads in the country, which makes me think we should have an Autobahn style motorway system in some parts of the country, like Germany does. The Autobahns have no speed limits and there are as few accidents and fatalities there as there are on motorways in this country. One man in Germany has a Mclaren F1, which is a supercar with a top speed of 240mph, and he used to speed to work in his Mclaren at 200mph every day on the Autobahn and he never had one accident. Other countries in Europe are streets ahead of us economicaly, technologicaly and in living standards, countries such as Germany and France. I think we have alot to learn from these countries becuase Britian is just becoming more stressful and more expensive to live in all the time.

Some people say we need to do more to help the environment and i completely agree, but blaming cars for all polution is a bit unfair. Oil companies are now doing their very best to makes cars cleaner and greener with less emitions and better fuel consumption. The car will always be with us, we will always need them so saying that we need to get rid of cars and get people on to public transport is not really the answer. Public transport its self isnt exactly environmentaly friendly, look at all the old buses we still have to use, and look at the filthy exuast fumes that come out the back of them. Im not saying im right, but i think the solution is to make cars as clean as possible till we find an alternative fuel source such as hydrogen powered cars. Still some people forget that global warming is caused by nearly everything and is possibly a natural process. Did you know that a cow belches more methane - environmentaly harmful gases than a Land Rover emits in a single days use?. I admit it is annoying how people have big 4 wheel drive cars in built up city areas and i do support extra tax on them, but i think that tax should only be put on those people who own those cars in built up areas. People who live in isolated or rural areas should not be subjected to the higher taxes becuase quite often a 4 wheel drive car is important to their work and neccessary for getting about. Even so, i still love big off road cars, but i do accept that they are un-neccessary in built up areas.

My favourite cars are ofcourse supercars. I love supercars, they are works of art and some of them are so beautiful i could stare at them like a painting for hours on end. Just look at the Aston Martin DB9, it is a masterpeice and one of the most beautiful cars i have ever layed eyes on. The Pagani Zonda is another beautiful machine, it just looks super, like a supercar should. Ferraris are just perfect, Ferrari are king of the supercars and im fairly sure you cant get another car that has the quality, history and reputation of a Ferrari. Infact i would say the most beautiful supercars are all Italian, just look at the Lamborghinis, Bugattis and Maseratis - they look like they have been sculpted by an artist to look as beautiful as they possibly can be, and to excite us and make us smile. Its true that supercars are not practical, but they are not supposed to be practical, they are supposed to be for one person and their passenger to go out in and have fun. Trust me there are few things as much fun than being in control of a frightningly powerful machine that can launch you from 0 - 60 mph in 3 seconds, its a truely amazing adrenaline rush. Just the feel of sitting inside something that luxurious and expensive makes you feel good, and the smile on your face will last to the end of the day. Most cars are just machines made to get you from A to B, but supercars are something completely different, they are special and they make you feel special too. I LOVE SUPERCARS!!!


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