Friday, August 18, 2006

Hi, im not really an opinionated guy, but there are a few issues in life that i feel very strongly about, such as feminism, animal cruelty and equality. In my opinion animal cruelty is one of the lowest crimes you can possibly commit, it makes me furious what some people do to animals that leads to suffering. Equality is as i said another issue, everyone should be equall and treated fairly by the society they live in. Feminism is the enemy of equality and i aim to destroy feminist propaganda where ever i see it by any means i can.

This post is really about my views on women in our society and why they need to grow up and learn the world does not revolve around them. Women seem to believe that the word "equality" between sexes only applies to them, indeed the EOC (Equal Opportunities Commission) is completely run by women and has never had a male head in its existence. The EOC only looks after womens interests in Britian as men are largely ignored, i urge anyone of you who read this to e-mail the EOC and ask them when they plan to let a man take the possision of head. I guarentee that you will recieve no reply especially if you are a man asking the question. The fact is equality does not exist between the sexes, power and roles have simply been reversed, which is the average woman's definition of equality.

Lets take a look at inequalities between the sexes in the NHS. Most money on cancer treatment is spent on treating and researching female cancers, particularly breast cancer despite the fact men suffer slightly more cancers than women do. I can not remember the exact figures but only a tiny fraction of what is spent on treating breast and cervical cancer is spent on treating prostate and testicular cancer. I will return with the correct figure later, but i can tell you that in the UK there are roughly 69 breast cancer specialists compared to 5 prostate cancer specialists and i think any self respecting man should ask himself why. After all do we not all deserve the same treatment when our lives are in danger?. I also urge my fellow men to look around at the advertising and campaigns to raise cancer awareness, look at cancer research- a charity group largely run by women who spend more time raising awareness of breast cancer and other female cancers than any other. The next time you are in the doctors office please take a look around the walls and see how many posters advertise mens health compared to womens. I have recently lost an old friend to testicular cancer, he was 22 years old and it breaks my heart that he died becuase his treatment was left too late. He was simply far too young to die and hearing on the news that a 19 year old boy died from testicular cancer makes that pain for me even worse. Women have national screening campaigns for breast cancer and men have no such thing for male cancers. Even advertising awareness is not to the same standard as womens. As men suffer more heart attacks, strokes and cancers than women i think there should be a cut in female health spending and more money put towards treating male illnesses and raising awareness. Im sure your all very depressed reading about cancer now so i shall move on, but i ask men to please be patient with me and read my post.

The next issue i wish to talk about is employment where men are now suffering because of women. Feminism is largely responsible for male unemployment, feminism only seeks to unseat men from every position of power, not equall employment for women. It is true that men still dominate jobs of higher status, but women dominate inbetween the higher status jobs and the lowest of the low. When i say the lowest of the low i mean the dirty low paid jobs at the bottom, such as street sweepers, rubbish men and the hard physical work that most women avoid at all costs. Ofcourse there are women in these lowest of the low jobs, but they are vastly out-numbered by men. Male unemployment is much higher than female unemployment, many women are given jobs over men despite being less qualified and experienced simply because they are women. Homeless men on the streets begging for change vastly out-number women on the streets. If the situation was reversed we would have nation wide campaigns to get the women off the streets and into proper housing, we would no doubt hear about it on the news constantly as we do with all other female issues. Men who do have jobs often work harder and longer all their lives, men still retire later than women despite changes in the law making the retirement age the same for both sexes. It is true that men sometimes in the same job as women are paid more, but men do more over time than women as a man in the same job as a woman works on average 6.6 hours longer a week than she does. This in my opinion entitles men to be paid more if they work longer, ofcourse women will argue that they have other responsibilities such as children, but lets remember that not all career women have children and more and more couples are chosing not to have kids. If i found out a woman in the same job as me was being paid the same as me while doing less work i would be very angry, wouldnt you?

Now this next issue is one im sure is going to be very unpopular with any woman who reads it, but if we do live in an equal society am i not entitle to my opinion too, without being labelled a sexist?. I am going to talk about our rape laws, which i think are very unfair for both sexes. Men accused of rape are automaticaly presumed guilty by any woman and the general public. More and more women today are crying rape for many different reasons, such as consenting to sex then regreting it, money and being too drunk they feel they had no reponsibility for what happened. Being falsely accused of rape is something few men recover from as they can lose their friends, their job and even their family. As long as a man is falsely accused of rape there will always be suspicion in the publics mind as to whether or not he is guilty. Quite simply there is only one definition of rape and that is sex without a womans consent, but many women believe this should be broadened to include a situation where a woman regrets having sex after getting too drunk. Women must take responsibilty for their own actions no matter how drunk they may have been or how pressured they may have felt. Consenting to sex in most conditions is still consent, no matter how much you may regret it. It is very hard to prove in court that someone has been raped as it is only her word against his, but we must not always believe the woman and presume the man is guilty. Men need protection from false rape claims, which sadly they are not given. Not every man accused of rape is guilty and we must all remember this. Many women stereo-type all men as potential rapists, which is completely false and this view on men must be changed. I studied psychology at university and i can tell you all for a fact that very few men are capable of rape. Rape is not about sex, it is about control, which a rapist completely lacks, the part of the brain responsible for this control is switched off. Becuase of this only a very few men are capable of such an act. Women may find this hard to accept, but it is a scientific truth and women must stop accusing all men of being potential rapists. Women must take responsiblity for this stereo-type and change their views. No descent and innocent man should be subjected to such a label and i would hope that men agree with this?.

After discussing rape, i feel it apporpriate to now discuss domestic violence. Domestic violence usually works both ways with the couples abusing each other, not just the man beating the woman. As im sure you all know, there is evidence to show that women often hit men more than men hit women and the woman is more likely to innitiate the violence. Women are now very much protected from domestic abuse, where as men are not. A woman in a failing marriage simply needs to phone the police and report she has been hit, and the man can be evicted from his own home by the police even if he is innocent. This is a disgrace as i know one man this has happened to. As usuall when his divorce was complete, the woman kept the house, the kids and the car. Even though one of the children later moved in with him, he was paying his ex-wife money becuase she reported him to the CSA. As one of the children were now living with him, he also tried to claim through the CSA but was refused. This in my opinion is not equality and women are coming off best at the exspence of men. This man i speak of is my cousin so i know the details only too well. Despite the fact she was having an affair behind his back for three years, she still came off best, which is really an injustice.

In this post i am not trying to say that women dont suffer in our society, im just trying to show that some people suffer more than they do whether they like to admit it or not. Women must take responsibilty for once, there are many other things women are guilty of more than men. For example women are responsible for more child abuse, neglect and deaths than men are, women accused of such things are said to have had a moment of madness, where as men are said to have a history of violence and recieve much harsher sentences. Even for violent crimes women are less likely to be sent to prison than men. The government aims to decrease the number of women sent to prison, even for violent crimes and petty crimes that men are usually put in prison for.

Equality does not exist, look at womens only car insurance, womens only library nights, womens only swimming pool nights. If men were to be given the same there would be an out cry of biblical proportions by women in our society. Womens only car insurance particularly annoys me as 90% of the adult male population drive where as only 59% of the adult female population can drive. Men also drive longer distances than women. We must also remember that many women who can drive chose not to becuase they feel unsafe. Women are routinely let off with speeding offences becuase they are women, as three members of my family are police officers i can tell you that for a fact. Just look at the adverts for Diamond car insurance where the woman says "they can give you cheaper car insurance just cause your a woman", now imagine if you will an insurance company for men only that said the same thing - Oh! My! God!, women would be furious at how sexist it is!

The fact is women set too many double standards, rely on special treatment and take little responsibility for their own actions, and i urge men to stand up for their own rights. Women are much more sexist than men are now, and they are encouraged to be that way by feminism, and popular culture that makes humiliating men a good thing. I am not saying that men have no flaws, but women must take responsibility for themselves and learn the world does not revolve around them. Ofcourse women have been opressed in the past, but so has everyone, even working class men had no right to vote, black people were treated as slaves and so on. Times are changing and women must learn to repsect men the same way men are raised to respect them. Throughout history men have sacrificed them selves for women and children and any descent man would do the same today, and there are more descent men than bad ones.
I was once taught by a feminist teacher and i know only too well how destructive feminism is. Our male children also suffer discrimination in education as boys tend to abide under stricter rules than girls and recieve less support than girls. Boys also suffer more learning difficulties than girls and are more likely to be deemed disruptive or stupid by their teachers than to recieve help and learning support. Its very sad how so many young men are only diagnosed with severe learning difficulties when they are sent to prison. But it seems to me that society is happy that girls are now out-performing boys in school, and i dont think too many people would be happy if the situation ever reverses. Education is very biased towards females, and boys often have few role models and are subjected to female perspectives they cant relate to. Ofcourse boys can be more interested in having fun than doing school work, but there is little done to encourage them and help them with their education unlike girls have. Teachers rarely tell girls they are stupid or thick and have no future, but boys are spoken to this way all the time. So lets invent a new word called "Equalitist" in which we all look out for each other and not just our selves


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